What are your goals for 2012?


What are your goals for 2012? 

I know a lot of people use the new year as a time in which they make new years resolutions. Do they work?  Probably some do, but most probably don’t.  I just saw a post from one of my aunts saying that she just found a copy of her 2011 resolutions. Ironically, they were the same as the ones she has written for 2012. 

Okay, so I am not going to write resolutions, just goals. 

1.  Write more relevant blog posts.

2.  Be a better communicator with my clients, prospects and co-workers.

3.  Expand my YouTube video channel . http://www.youtube.com/davidhussrealtor

4.  Be a great parent and husband!

5.  Keep up my exercise program, but find a way to diet.

6.  Make my website better..  www.davidhuss.com

I look forward to seeing your replies and goals. 

I also look forward to seeing all of you who resolve to exercise more in 2011 at the YMCA.  I’ll also look forward to you dropping that resolution in February so that I can get a machine without waiting.  I double dog dare you to prove me wrong!



About david huss

My name is David Huss and I live, work and play in Charlotte, NC. My day and night job is that of a Realtor. I am happily married, have two great kids and love to exercise, play golf and in general just have fun. Being the parent of two teenage boys and supporter of a hard working wife, I get lots of stress and see a lot of things that make me go nuts, crazy and at the same time appreciate that life is good as I have it. I am actively involved in lots of things going on in Charlotte as well as the Ballantyne area of South Charlotte. You'll most likely to find me at the Morrison YMCA, Ballantyne Country Club or at my office. Hopefully you will get a taste of our community through my writings.
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